Additional Services

Source Code

Google Listing

Google Account

We can create you a Google Account by using your own email address or create a new Gmail, address with your business name. A Google account provides access to a variety of options essential for your business online.

Google For Business

We add your business details and photos to display your website and business services on Google.

Google Maps

We can add your business, so it displays on Google Maps.

Website – Site Map

We can produce and submit a website site map to: Google & Bing.

Google Analytics Account

Google Analytics is a very useful tool for website owners, offering powerful insights into how visitors interact with their site. It can help you to understand what parts of your website are generating the most interest, and can help you to understand what improvements can be made over time.

Tracking Visitor Behaviour

You can see exactly how many visitors visit your website each day, month or a period or your choosing. You can see which pages they visit and how long they spend looking at your site. You can see how many are new or repeat visitors.

Identifying Traffic Sources

Find out how visitors are finding your site. Are they typing your domain name into their browser (direct), or typing a search term into Google (indirect). Are they visiting via links from other websites, or social media posts?

These facts can assist you in understanding what marketing improvements can be made.

Audience Demographics

Would you like to know which countries and even cities are your visitors located in?

 Contact Deal Web Design today to learn more about our additional services.